Winter Diary | In Transition

Let’s say words are plastic bag caught in bare branch of  tree
It is winter’s noon
Let’s say I regret not using cotton tote bag at the groceries
Let’s say saying is saying like aye aye to nothing that is saying
Let’s say this is Egglish translating to Inklish
Let’s say I speak not Inklish not Egglish
Let’s say it is gibberish, garbage, polythene flying in tree
Let’s say it’s a flag, a bird, a flag, a bird, a flag a bird, aflagabird
Let’s say
Let’s say into a winter’s noon the sky fell
Let’s say the sky fell into a plastic bag dancing on leafless tree branch
Let’s say it bothered not tree it was being ruined. . . aesthetic? AES-AES-AES-the-tic!
Let’s say it bothered not man-made thing it was nuisance. . . new sense? noise-sense? Non-sense!
Let’s say we were not there to see polythene bag and tree on dry winter’s after-morning
Let’s say I was there and it hurt to see it all
Let’s say I wanted to climb the tree
Let’s say I wanted the bag gone
Let’s say I could not see the tree cared not
Let’s say I could not see the waving bag cared not
Let’s say I could not see my hurt is flawed
Let’s say I could not see there was no flag in tree
Let’s say I could not see there was no bird in tree
Let’s say I could not see there was no plastic in tree…transparent! white & transparent!
Let’s say I could not see, I could not see

It was summer’s noon and the trees were full of evergreen leaves
It was spring’s noon and the trees were full of cherry blossoms
It was autumn’s noon and the trees were raining leaves
It is no day, everything is known, and all is all

Leaving, leaving I, to be with All, in All, as All
Let us say, all is all: ALLALL

Jane A. Odartey

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