Diary: 2014 New Year Resolution

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There were several things I had  intended doing in 2013 and never got to do. Some I started and never finished, some I kept putting off and never got to.

One of the things I had hoped to do and never did was to write on a piece of paper, at the end of every day, the nicest thing(s) that happened to me, fold and store the papers in a jar to open at the end of the year. (I got this idea from Pinterest.) I started but stopped. When I opened my jar at the end of the year I had about six good celebrations — yes, six days out of 365.

The notes reminded me of some good times in the past year and gave me some exciting memory trips into events that I had entirely forgotten about. I hope to be successful in my records this year as it had been really nice opening those pieces of papers.
Another major resolution for 2014 is to learn to spend more quality time with myself. That is do fun things like go to museums, take long walks, go to the movies, read more poetry, start working on my photography again, have a nice cake somewhere nice . . . alone.

 I want to learn to be more happy in my own company. It seems to me that this is necessary. I am not at all afraid to do things alone, but I feel as though I neglect myself. This sounds insane and it probably is, but I feel I need to learn to treat myself well, because only then will I understand what I want from others and  be happy with others.

My gut tells me that 2014 is going to rock very beautifully. I am excited.

May your new year be bright and brave, and may it be full of genuine laughter, love, and great health!
J. A. Odartey

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