Diary: The Things That Stuck

Father’s Day being around the corner, I can’t help it but remember mine. My father is partly the reason I have certain habits today. I call them survival skills. Because of him I picked up a couple of significant lessons earlier in life. Things like:
1.  Nothing is given. Expect nothing from everybody. When someone shows you kindness, show gratitude and do not forget. 2. Stand up for the things that matter to you, stand up for yourself. No one will do it for you. However, those who care about you will support you.
3. You are responsible for the way you let others make you feel. 4. When one keeps disappointing you, it is okay to terminate your relation with them. Chances are they will never change and life is short.
5. Your happiness is in your own two hands; if you believe in God, then it is between you and your God.
6. In time, all hurtful experiences can be laughed about.
7. One of the best antidotes of pain is laughter. Laugh when you feel like crying, and even laugh when you cry.
8. For every awful experience, there are many beautiful ones. Look for the beauty in things and appreciate them.
9. Resist being molded into what you are not. Those who try to shape you against yourself are not worthy of you.
10. Don’t give up on finding, knowing, and loving yourself.
Happy Wednesday!
— J. A. Odartey

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  1. Anonymous

    Great post! There's always something to learn in life no matter the situation.

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