Opinion: Where You’re Coming From


Stop whining and count your blessings!  My favorite line to shove down my own throat in the midst of
self-pitying parties. To others, I try to be more gentle. The other part of the ritual is to remember where I am coming from. On taking this pill recently, I realized that where one is coming from is not always as bad as where one is.

People come from loads of happiness to loads of unhappiness. I know people who always go on about high school as though it was their glory days. I disliked high school.

So the question is what does one do when one’s past was better than one’s present? When life had not prepared one for what they now face? In some ways my life has always been a little rough, but I have always known love and laughter, and I feel that has prepared me enough for my present.  When I look back, the now feels somewhat feasible because of the lessons I took from my yesterdays. How does one cope when it is the opposite? How does one look to the future with faith?


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  1. lizzywest

    i really like the way you write your feelings. i can understand deeply and rare.

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