I Sing No New Songs --Frank Marshall Davis Once I cried for new songs to sing . . . a black rose . . . a brown sky . . . the moon for my buttonhole . . . pink dreams for the table Later I learned life is a servant girl . . . dusting the same pieces yesterday, today, tomorrow . . . a never ending one two three one two three one two three The dreams of Milton were the dreams of Lindsay . . . drinking corn liquor, wearing a derby, dancing a fox- trot . . . a saxophone for a harp Ideas rise with new mornings but never die . . . only names, places, people change . . . you are born, love, fight, tire and stop being . . . Caesar died with a knife in his guts . . . Jim Colosimo from revolver bullets So I shall take aged things . . . bearded dreams . . . a silver dollar moon worn thin from the spending . . . model a new dress for this one . . . get that one a new hat . . . teach the other to forget the minuet . . . then I shall send them into the street And if passersby stop and say "Who is that? I never saw this pretty girl before" or if they say . . . "Is that old woman still alive? I thought she died years ago . . . if they speak these words, I shall neither smile nor swear . . . those who walked before me, those who come after me, may make better clothes, teach a more graceful step . . . but the dreams of Homer neither grow nor wilt . . . .