Poetry: Spirits Unchained by Keorapetse Kgositsile

| Borrowing Your Enemy’s Arrows by Cai Guo-Qiang. An Exhibition at MoMA |

Spirits Unchained
by Keorapetse Kgositsile

If destroying all the maps known
would erase all the boundaries
from the face of this earth
I would say let us
make a bonfire
to reclaim and sing
the human person

Refugee is an ominous load
even for a child to carry
for some children
words like home
could not carry any possible meaning
must carry dimensions of brutality and terror
past the most hideous nightmare
anyone could experience or imagine

Empty their young eyes
deprived of a vision of any future
they should have been entitled to
since they did not choose to be born
where and when they were
Empty their young bellies
extended and rounded by malnutrition
and growling like the well-fed dogs of some
with pretensions to concerns about human rights

Can you see them now
stumble from nowhere
to no

the premature daily death of their young dreams
what staggering memories frighten and abort
the hope that should have been
an indelible inscription in their young eyes

I should just borrow
the rememberer’s voice again
while I can and say:
to have a home is not a favor

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Unknown

    Nice, heard this sampled on Earl Sweatshirt's album and the "to have a home is not a favor" always got to me.

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