Grad School Journal: Gallery Pass

I hated not being able to use a student discount, or a free student pass when I graduated college. Then Grad school started and I thought there comes the student discounts, Woot! The funny thing is I’m yet to rake in my student privileges. I don’t frequent museums as I had hoped to. I find myself a little too busy these days. When I do go to an exhibition, I tend to go to the Met, and shamelessly donate like a quarter or something (When I am rich, I promise to give back). Else I go on a free day––or as I like to call it, Sardine Festival. A week ago, I went to the Neue Galerie with my good friend. It was her idea. Left to my own devices I will be home moo-ing about one thing or the other.

[image via]

As the museum is now free on the first Friday of the month, there was a queue about two and a half blocks long! (I am not exaggerating)––understandable for the museum is tiny, and in my opinion expensive. The years waiting in line paid off when we finally saw their current exhibition of German Expressionism and Australian Decorative arts––really worth seeing. In the midst of all the fun I was having, I mentioned to my friend that I would like to come back on a day when it is not overly packed with my dear fellow freeloaders. At which point she pointed out that it would be only half the price with my student ID––much more affordable! I literally smacked myself in the face. It’s funny how when I have something, I forget that I do, and when I don’t, I complain to everyone––whether or not they wish to hear me––how it is unfair that I do not have that thing. I hope that I make a good use of my student privileges before they expire and I start moaning in regret.


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